Files not getting picked up
Some of my files are not getting picked up. Particularly with TV shows. I put the files in "Showtitle/Season/S01E01.avi" but it doesn't pick up when I scan for new content.

I installed XBMC on my Revo using the install guide here in the forums.
This is happening for a few of my TV shows.

Any ideas? And can I fix them manually if they aren't being gathered?
First you need to figure out why they are not getting picked up. Enable debugging, scan, and then share the debug log. Host it on and post a link here.
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For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first.
I had a very similar problem with my movies that were stored on a usb HD.

What I did to fix was go onto my scrapers site eg IMDB and search for the film then I copied the title exactly as they have it and it picked it up....
Not sure if its the same with TV programs Huh

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Files not getting picked up0