Zotac ND01 and XBMC-Live 9.11 - total failure
Okay, I'm not a Linux newbie, or an XBMC newbie, but I am a Zotac ND01 newbie and an XBMC on Linux newbie!

Quick question:
How'd other Zotag Mag ND01 users do it?

Short version:
I've installed XBMC-Live 9.11 on my 16 GB flash drive. I did this by booting the live disk in Parallels on my Mac, and installing onto the flash drive there. Upon booting the flash drive on the Zotac, though, I'm dumped into console 1 waiting for a login. In console 7, X didn't start, and there's no indication that it even tried.

(I should note at this point, all of the tutorials indicate that when booting from the flash drive, I should actually get to the same installer options as I did from the CD image. I want to install to the drive. Moot point, since it doesn't yet work from the flash drive.)

More details:
I can startx fine, and then open a terminal, and run XBMC from the Xterm. But boy, XBMC is really, really, really slow. I'm guessing the NVidia drivers aren't loaded. It's so slow that I've not bothered to play with XBMC yet to see what functionality is there or not.

Measures I've taken and will take:
(a) I've tried to dd the XBMC-Live CD directly to the flash drive. The Zotac won't recognize it (even when setup as a bootable MDB partion).

(b) I'm currently installing XP in Parallels to try to run UNetbootin so that I can make a bootable flash drive with the live CD. I'm guessing that it still won't work properly, because I'll still have the same install as the live CD. Still, I've gotta try something.

© I've seen some mention of a "Freak" version that's specifically for these nettops. I'll try that next, too.

(d) I don't have an external CD drive.

(e) I could build a whole Linux install and manually install XMBC and everything related, but I think that it will take several days, and I was hoping to make this a true appliance.

So, am I on the right path here? Am I missing something completely obvious? Thanks for all your help, guys (and girls).
You are a little too creative I think.
You need to create a bootable usb and boot it from the Zotac no workaround is possible.
To create a bootable usb follow a guide.
Actually, if you can afford it get an external cd drive.
ah, an apple user, no unetbootin love for mac os Wink

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Using UNetbootin from XP in the virtual machine on the Mac worked, and now XBMC live is running just fine off the Mag's hard drive. Time to get the HDMI audio working, and copy all of my settings from the Xbox version, and, *finally* try to stream some HD!

Thanks, guys.

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