6/16 Nightly
I see there is a new Nightly. I'm not home right now to test it, but I was wondering if anybody has played around with it and could let us know what is working (or not working) in it.

Bongu Wrote:I see there is a new Nightly. I'm not home right now to test it, but I was wondering if anybody has played around with it and could let us know what is working (or not working) in it.


Hey man. Not sure what version you're on, but i just went from the march 1st nightly build to this one. So far, it's working flawlessly for me. You need to familiarize yourself with how the skins are now addons and see if what you're using has a compatible version. I'm using "Night" and it looks incredible. Just remember if you're going from a pre-merge version to this one< it will change how it reads your library, so if anything doesn't work, you'll have to start over if you go back. Hope this helps and good luck.
Bongu Wrote:I see there is a new Nightly. I'm not home right now to test it, but I was wondering if anybody has played around with it and could let us know what is working (or not working) in it.

I just upgraded from r30898-trunk to r31122-trunk because of the problem with dvd playback, but am pleased to say this is now working as it should. No problems found thus farSmile
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox
6/16 Nightly also fixed the TV Show cache issue: http://trac.xbmc.org/ticket/9241
paul Wrote:I just upgraded from r30898-trunk to r31122-trunk because of the problem with dvd playback, but am pleased to say this is now working as it should. No problems found thus farSmile

What!??! I also upgraded to 31122 and sure enough now the dvd menus plays instead of a black screen, but NONE of my dvds work at all, nothing happens when I try to execute any menu.
Are the scrapers fully functional now? I.e. setting content for a folder then adding movies by using "Movie Information" on individual video files.
Hinz Wrote:Are the scrapers fully functional now? I.e. setting content for a folder then adding movies by using "Movie Information" on individual video files.

Works for me.
Hinz Wrote:Are the scrapers fully functional now? I.e. setting content for a folder then adding movies by using "Movie Information" on individual video files.
Anything after 19.06 should be greatly improved in that area.
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I can confirm the scrapers seem to be working better than they have for a long time, i upgraded to one of Krickers builds once i realised he was building again xbmc-r31202-dx. now the only issue seems to be the strange flash of textures when entering any of the library modes, great work by the devs in fixing the issues in quick timeSmile
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox
I tried 31236. Scrapers seem to still be broken or the feature has been removed.

This is how scrapers worked before.
1. Set scraper on a folder.
2. Open the folder or subfolder.
3. Select a video file and bring up "Context Menu".
4. Select "Movie information", edit title if needed and search.
5. Select the correct movie.

I only get "Movie information" on folders, never on individual movie files. Scraper doesn't seem to matter (IMDB or TMDb).

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6/16 Nightly0