DVD Ripper plugin for Windows that uses DVDFab?
Has anyone written a script that will Rip DVDs/Blu-Rays via DVDFab in Windows?

If not, I'm thinking of writing one, if there is interest for one.
Big Grin 
Yes, I would be very much interested in a plug-in like this…this is functionality that has been / will be missing from XBMC natively for legal reasons and lack of developer interest for native support with-in the main project branch. However, if you are willing to tackle the task, I would be most interested in helping you test it. Another possible addition to said plug-in would be packaging the ripped DVD into an ISO file using imgburn.

I should have something ready by tonight or tomorrow.

Thanks for the interest, slicemaster, I'll send you a PM with the program link when its ready. If anyone else would like to test it as well, let me know.
sounds interesting, count me in, ill test it for you also.

I got a bit of debugging to do, it should be ready by tonight.

Also of note, this will only work with the new svn Dharma releases, and Eventghost will be needed as well (for now).

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DVD Ripper plugin for Windows that uses DVDFab?0