Acer 3700, thoughts?
About time I might add, I have an Acer 3610 and I love it, but I am thinking of getting the new Acer 3700 and moving my current acer to my living room instead of my bedroom.

Now the only reason I have my doubts is I have been reading a TON of mixed reactions about ION2, some say its better while others say it worst, I know I read a post on the XBMC live forums about Dharma not working on it properly. So any thoughts on this matter?
It looks purty! Seems expensive for such a small upgrade from the 330. It's nearly 600 bucks. Granted it does have more ram and a larger HD than the 3610 but for 300 dollars more you'd think they'd put an ssd in it instead. I think I'd rather have the Jetway ion2, pick my own ram and hdd, would still be less plus has an internal IR. Drop it 100 or 150 dollars and I'd seriously consider it.
Looks great, too expensive. I fail to see how the huge price jumps makes it beat the Shuttle XS35GT-804 that came out a few weeks ago.

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Acer 3700, thoughts?0