ASRock Core 100 HT-bd
Does anyone also experience stuttering image on ASRock Core 100 HT-bd when playing 1080p content? When I play a 11 Gb 1080p movie with XBMC Dharma Beta2, the vcpu percentage goes max on at places and the image is not fluid.

I went back to XBMC Dharma Beta1, and the vcpu never peaked 100 (it was close to 90%), and the image is fluid.

Weird because everywhere I read that the cpu alone can handle 1080p content at ease... (... or do the mean: only under linux??)

So something changed between Dharma Beta1 and Beta2... worth filling in a bug report?

System specs: Core i3, 2.13 Ghz / 4Gb / Win 7 Ultimate X64. As many services disabled as possible, no programs running in the background.

i have the same problem.
all 1080p files stutter with dharma releases (all).
with the old release 9.11 i only have sometimes a stuttering-scene in a film.

when i tested dharma without sound (sound not recognized) 1080p films went well.
maybe a sound-driver problem ?

sorry for my english (i'm german)

Haven't tried without sound, I will give it a shot to see if it's a sound problem.

I now installed Boxee (which is based on the XBMC core): Boxee plays 1080p content fine.

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ASRock Core 100 HT-bd0