External bluray -drive?
Hi all!

Has anyone got one of these http://cgi.ebay.com/External-SONY-NEC-BC...439ea8977c ?

Seems quite cheap, is there any reason why I shouldn´t buy this for Zotac ZBOX HD-11 and XBMC Live?
Odroid C2 running CoreElec
I actually have one of these for my netbox. the reason why they're so cheap is that inside it's an IDE model which are not used anymore in laptops but that's not relevant for an external drive. I actually quite like it, you only need the second USB plug for DVD/CD-writing, else one USB plug is absolutely fine. I once tried playback of a bluray with windows, also worked fine. in linux/XBMC live it gives a strange USB-related error message when booting up but else than that also works, might be a ubuntu/kernel bug.
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External bluray -drive?0