xbmc crashing on autostart after boot
Hi all,

I'm currently running xbmc Dharma 4 on a Mythbuntu 10.04 machine with xfce window manager. Everything seemed to be configured well and ok when I run /usr/local/bin/xbmc from the terminal or through desktop shortcut.

But tonight I tried to set xbmc to auto-start on boot. So I went to "Applications->Settings->Sessions&Startup->Application Autostart", rermoved mythfrontend, and added xbmc (/usr/local/bin/xbmc). I also ensured a default xfce session starts on boot.

When I reboot, xbmc DOES load. But if I press ANY key on the keyboard, it immediately closes and logs me out of my current x-session.

When I log back in (no reboot), xbmc works fine as expected?

Any idea what could be causing it to crash/close on any keypress by autostarting this method?

My debug log pastebin for when it crashes is at this link

Thank you!
Ok so maybe the error I am getting is a bit too specific to be debugged.

Perhaps instead, I can find another method. I am trying to get xbmc to autostart when my Ubuntu 10.10 machine boots.

Where is the best place in the boot sequence to insert the command to start /usr/local/bin/xbmc?

I've tried xfcestart script with no luck. And when I add to the Sessions&Startup screen, it crashes as described in last post.

Can anyone recommend any other scripts I can edit to get xbmc to start on boot?
so your running a linux desktop with xbmc installed on top?

did you
Quote:sudo apt-get install xbmc-live

Yes it's a desktop with ubuntu 10.10 (technically mythbuntu) installed. I'm a mythtv user
in the past but I really like xbmc and wanted to switch the boot app to that instead of

No I didn't install xbmc live. Isn't that a
whole packaged OS? I'd prefer to keep the OS the same for compatibility if possible.
Another update:

Still no luck. I've tried switching to Kubuntu and Xubuntu but they both had the same issue.

Get this though ... if I DISABLE automatic login (force myself to log in first), I DON'T have the problem. So somehow, the login screen is mixing up with xbmc starting.

Also, I found this error in my dmesg, not sure if it occurred at the same time:
xbmc.bin[2072]: segfault at 4d0 ip 04ff1516 sp bff0a420 error 4 i
... Not sure it that helps.

Any ideas?
Quote:Any ideas?
Not really, try with a clean desktop 10.04? You are sure you are logging in with the same user as the autologin user?

Quote: Isn't that a
whole packaged OS?
yes, but xbmc-live is a package available in the ppa that you use on the desktop version. Install it and gdm will be removed and replaced with xbmc-live autostart.
vikjon0 Wrote:xbmc-live is a package available in the ppa that you use on the desktop version. Install it and gdm will be removed and replaced with xbmc-live autostart.

I'd like to give xbmc-live a shot, but I can't install using "sudo apt-get install xbmc-live". Actually I've never been able to install from apt (had to compile from source). I tried following these directions but it doesn't seem that the maverick releases are working right now (confirmed from other threads). After following directions, no xbmc packages can be located.

Is there a way I can compile/install xbmc-LIVE from source? I'd like to do it in a fashion that I can install over the desktop version and not lose my current settings/system/programs, but instead just get the benefits of xbmc-live autostart.

[Alternately: Anyone know how long till a maverick release? Maybe I'll just wait it out ...]
I think xbmc-live is a number of scripts put in a deb. Instead of building it should be possible to manually download. But using apt should not be a problem.

On maverick you need to use svn ppa.

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