[LIVE] Acer Revo - Windows 7 Share Access!?
I have an Acer Revo 3610 setup great with XBMCLive installed working lovely with my USB Externals attached.

I have now changed my setup as I am going to use my main Windows 7 (x64 Ultimate) PC as a server. I've attached the drives and shared them with the 'Everyone with Full Control' because I want Sab, SB and CP to access them from my Revo.

The main problem I am having is connecting to the Shares.

XBMC finds my Windows Workgroup, but when trying to access the computer it asks for a Username and Password, but my Windows machine does not have a password setup.

Why can I not access them?

Do I need to create a hidden XBMC user account on the PC?
My windows machine will be accessed by my Revo and 4 laptops for the media on it.

I dont think it's a XBMC fault so much, maybe a sharing issue with Windows 7?

Any ideas? It's driving me mad!
Nevermind. I sussed it. I had to turn on File Sharing network access in Advanced Network settings. Also turned off Password User Access.

Solved. Smile

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[LIVE] Acer Revo - Windows 7 Share Access!?0