Library mode takes way longer to load movies (samba)
I noticed some strange library behaviour in both my Macbook Pro and Crystalubuntu setup. Both run RC2, but behaviour was already present during earlier releases.

I've got a old Macbookpro serving as SMB fileserver. When accessing the movies via file mode, it takes a second of 2 to start the movie, which seems reasonable.

However, when starting the exact same movie under library mode (linking to the same exact file, both under samba protocol) it suddenly takes ±20 seconds.

Same things happens on my Macbook and my Appletv.

This is the log of the Macbook, where I showcase the issue by first starting the movie 2012 in file mode and afterwards in library mode.

Any clue?
Can't delete this post, but actually want to post in the general forums, cause it is not Appletv/OSX related I guess.
Solved, one of the movies was corrupt. Starting any movie within the library would cause a ~20 second check on the corrupt movie.

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Library mode takes way longer to load movies (samba)0