Practical size limit (# of songs) for music library?
After several months of using XBMC primarily for watching movies I thought I'd re-tag my music library before I import / scrape it into XBMC. A few hours into the process using MusicBrainz Picard and I'm solidly into the 'B's... Oo

Before I invest many more hours sorting out my mess - not to mention days scraping it - I wonder if there is a practical limit to the number of songs that the library can support while still remaining usable. I say practical since I'm sure the database can handle my files but opening the list of songs in file view already takes about 15 seconds. I don't want to wind up with a system that takes minutes to load a scraped database. My music library currently consists of about 4,500 artists and 51,000 songs.

Technical details:
System: Acer Aspire Revo R3610, 2 GB RAM running Ubuntu Lucid (10.04) and XBMC 10.0. Music (and video) files reside on another system, also running Lucid, and are accessed via an NFS share over a hardwired gigabit network. I can upgrade the Revo to 4 GB so if adding RAM to it will provide sufficient cache storage for the entire scraped music / video database that would be ideal, although I haven't found it to be memory-limited to date. The system is up for weeks at a time so I really don't care how long the initial database load takes, as long as the system is 'snappy' when I want to use it. That said, if the music database has to be re-loaded each time I switch to the music library load speed will become an issue.

Should I carry on or am I asking too much from my hardware?


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Practical size limit (# of songs) for music library?0