Zotac Zbox HD-ID11 and XBMC Live
Hello everyone, I'm pretty much new to this forum, but I had use XBMC for Xbox for years. Now I decided to get the Zotac Zbox HD-ID11 and installed live 10.00 in the the HDD. Other than sound problems over HDMI wich I had fix already, my big dilemma is the resolution over HDMI. With VGA I get 1360x780 and with HDMI the highest is 720x480Angry I have gone over hundreds of thread on this site looking on how to fix this, but not luck so far, have tried different steps that have worked for others, with no successSad
So please if anyone has any idea on how to get this going please let me now, I'm going nuts over this, even thinking on returning it to Newegg.

By the way my TV is a Dell W5001C HD.
Thank in advance.
Well just after posting I found this thread that helped me a lot, is for an Acer Revo R3700 but it did wonders with my Zotac.


I just did step 5-11.NodShocked
Hi there,

Can you explain me how to fix the audio.
I just installed the newest xbox live from xboxfreak (xbmcfreak LiveCD 10.00 maverick v3) on my Zotac Zbox but I just can't fix the sound. It really starts to annoy me!!

There is no sound at all.. i tried many different options and try to edit config files but it's just not helping.

What was your solution?

Here is a tutorial for the audio over hdmi problem: http://www.zotac.com/index.php?option=co...13&lang=en

I'm using the very same zbox and I do not have any problems with the resolution. Have you tried a brand new installation while the zbox is connected to the internet? Maybe it has to do some updates?

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Zotac Zbox HD-ID11 and XBMC Live0