[How To] Synergy as a Keyboard.
Synergy is sort of like an inverted VNC setup. Rather than the video of the remote machine showing up on your desktop, your mouse and keyboard show up on the remote machine.

I originally set about making a EventClient based remote, but until this bug is fixed, it's useless for on screen keyboards. (Because who doesn't love typing in SABnzbd API keys by hand?)

I have grabbed a USB keyboard at times, but it requires sitting front and center. I've pondered a bluetooth keyboard, but that's just another device in the living room.

Enter Synergy.
There are clients and servers for all 3 major OSes..

I'm running OS X. There are front ends available such as SynergyKM. However I'm just going to use the command line.

On the OS X machine I created a very simple config file:
section: screens
section: links
        up     = htpc
        down    = localhost

That just says that if I scroll off the top of my laptop, it goes to the TV screen. If I scroll off the bottom of my TV it goes to my laptop.

Save that as synergy.conf, ~/.synergy.conf or /etc/synergy.conf. The latter 2 won't need server arguments.
Launch synergy server or your laptop (the machine with the mouse and keyboard).
synergys -f -c synergy.conf
-f just says don't fork into the background.
-c points to the config file.

On your machine running XBMC (which for me is Linux. This should work the same for OS X. If you're using Windows, god speed.)

You need to make sure that the client identifies itself exactly as we have it in the config file.
synergyc -f -n htpc [server ip address]
-f - No fork.
-n - Name to present to the server. By default it uses the output of hostname.

You should get a
NOTE: synergyc.cpp,247: connected to server
client side and a
NOTE: CClientListener.cpp,127: accepted client connection
DEBUG: CClientProxy1_0.cpp,404: received client "htpc" info shape=0,0 1920x1080
NOTE: CServer.cpp,277: client "htpc" has connected
server side.

Now all you need to do is scroll your mouse off the top your screen and use your keyboard like you're sitting in front of your XBMC.

So far, media buttons from my laptop haven't made the jump. But modifier keys should work fine.
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `xbmc_%`.* TO 'xbmc'@'%';
IF you have a mysql problem, find one of the 4 dozen threads already open.
I have synergy working between my laptop and htpc (both Ubuntu 10.10) but the interaction with XBMC is useless;
When the mouse enters the HTPC XBMC switches to windowed mode.
If I stop moving the mouse it goes back to fullscreen but the mouse cursor disappears and doesn't come back.
I can still leave the HTPC and get the mouse/keyboard back to my laptop, but when I leave the HTPC it switches back to windowed and doesn't revert back Sad

Has anyone else tried this?
I'm using Synergy on my Windows HTPC and I never had any problem with XBMC. It's stay in fullscreen mode never change to windowed mode.
Any ideas how to stop XBMC from entering windowed mode?

[I realise this is an old thread but it's still the most relevant for me. Why start a new thread when this is already in existence?]

I have Ubuntu on my HTPC and am using a macbook as the synergy server. Everything works perfectly, except XBMC windowing when switching mouse and keyboard back to synergy server (macbook)
Does anyone know how I could use three or four pc's (gonna be rasberry pi's) running synergy I'd like to span all systems to playback using all monitors spannedHuh
https://www.vizify.com/lewis-donofrio - 734-743-1743
(2012-08-31, 17:02)Dnk8n Wrote: Any ideas how to stop XBMC from entering windowed mode?

[I realise this is an old thread but it's still the most relevant for me. Why start a new thread when this is already in existence?]

I have Ubuntu on my HTPC and am using a macbook as the synergy server. Everything works perfectly, except XBMC windowing when switching mouse and keyboard back to synergy server (macbook)


running windows 8 next to xbmc-on-gentoo

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[How To] Synergy as a Keyboard.0