[LINUX] VNSI - PVR make trouble with some Channles (HD/SD)

First: i'am note sure if this is the correct place to post "errors" regarding the PVR branch and especially to the VDR-XBMC interop. I someone has some advice, it would be helpfull Smile

so now to the problem: I have a VDR-VNSI-XBMC setup.
VDR 1.7.16 - ftp://ftp.tvdr.de/vdr/Developer/vdr-1.7.16.tar.bz2
ExtensionPatch - http://copperhead.htpc-forum.de/download...es.diff.gz
VSNI - Plugin: https://github.com/opdenkamp/xbmc/tree/m...s/vdr-vnsi
XBMC 10.0 PVR-Build (PPA - https://launchpad.net/~lars-opdenkamp/+archive/xbmc-pvr)

While watching TV the performance is perfect for the most of the channels only some channels make problems. It's reproducible the same channels (for example ARD HD, Anixe HD, SIXX SD). Sometimes now sound-stream is avaible, sometimes the picture is is extremly fragmented. sometimes its played extremly slow. sixx SD has permanently the problem, that 1/3 of the picture-frames seems to be dropped. The sound is played well and synchron to the picture-steam.

The interesting thing is: If i use VDR with libxineoutput (testinstall yavdr 0.3.0) all channels perform perfectly if i switch to vnsi playback within yavdr the same problem appears again. If i switch to tvheadend the playback within xbmc is also perfect. it seemes ther is a problem with the combo vdr-vnsi-xbmc and this specific channels. But i don't know how to debug

i stay in contact with the vendor of my tv-card (sundtek) they analyse the raw-transponder-stream and notice that sixx(sd)/anixe hd(1080i) lying next together, they assume that could make problems.

Noticeable is, that the CPU Usage for VDR jumps up (from nearly 0 to somthing below 30%) if i tune in into the problematic channels. Additionaly it seems the error-message "VNSI-Error: DTS discontinuity." appears more frequently in the syslog.

Hardware info:
vdr backend: Atom330, 1Gbit lan. (only capturing the signal and delivering it via vnsi)
xbmc-frontend: Core2Duo 3Ghz per Core, 8800Gts VDPAU eneabled (displaying the VNSI signal)

both machines are remotely available for debugging purpose and if needed i'am able tho hack some code. But currently i don't even know to look were to start debugging.
we don't have a dedicated pvr forum section (yet) so this place is fine, although I think more people will read it here: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=62696

I don't have a vdr backend myself, so I can't help you much. Sounds like a problem within vdr. Can you play the streams properly with another player than xbmc? If not, it's a vdr problem and you should report it at their forum/mailinglist/whatever they're using.
opdenkamp / dushmaniac

xbmc-pvr [Eden-PVR builds] [now included in mainline XBMC, so no more source link here :)]
personal website: [link]

Found a problem with PVR? Report it on Trac, under "PVR - core components". Please attach the full debug log.

If you like my work, please consider donating to me and/or Team XBMC.
VDR itself has no problems, using libxineoutput as output shows the channels correctly

is there a another vnsi-frontend than xbmc to check?

is the vdr-vnsi-plugin developed/driven by the xbmc-team or another dev-team?
my XBMC crashes after ~1 hour watching TV without interruption.

VDR 1.7.16 and the latest https://github.com/opdenkamp/xbmc xbmc ink pvr built by myself.

last lines from crashlog:

22:04:18 T:140610736400128 M:391081984 WARNING: Decode - avcodec_decode_video didn't consume the full packet. size: 5622, consumed: 0
22:04:18 T:140610736400128 M:391081984 WARNING: Decode - avcodec_decode_video didn't consume the full packet. size: 5674, consumed: 0
22:04:18 T:140611065227008 M:390955008 DEBUG: CGUIInfoManager::SetCurrentMovie(pvr://channels/tv/Alle TV Kanäle/1.pvr)
22:04:18 T:140610736400128 M:390959104 WARNING: Decode - avcodec_decode_video didn't consume the full packet. size: 5223, consumed: 0
22:04:18 T:140610736400128 M:390959104 WARNING: Decode - avcodec_decode_video didn't consume the full packet. size: 2753, consumed: 0
22:04:18 T:140611065227008 M:390959104 DEBUG: CDVDDemuxPVRClient::UpdateStreams(): update stream 0:0 with codec_id 28
22:04:18 T:140611065227008 M:390959104 DEBUG: CDVDDemuxPVRClient::UpdateStreams(): update stream 1:1 with codec_id 86016
22:04:18 T:140611065227008 M:390959104 DEBUG: CDVDDemuxPVRClient::UpdateStreams(): update stream 2:2 with codec_id 86016
22:04:18 T:140611065227008 M:390959104 DEBUG: CDVDDemuxPVRClient::UpdateStreams(): update stream 3:3 with codec_id 86019
22:04:18 T:140611065227008 M:390959104 DEBUG: CDVDDemuxPVRClient::UpdateStreams(): update stream 4:4 with codec_id 94215
22:04:18 T:140610736400128 M:390959104 WARNING: Decode - avcodec_decode_video didn't consume the full packet. size: 6756, consumed: 0
22:04:18 T:140610736400128 M:390959104 WARNING: Decode - avcodec_decode_video didn't consume the full packet. size: 6593, consumed: 0
22:04:19 T:140611065227008 M:390959104 DEBUG: CGUIInfoManager::SetCurrentMovie(pvr://channels/tv/Alle TV Kanäle/1.pvr)
22:04:19 T:140610736400128 M:390959104 WARNING: Decode - avcodec_decode_video didn't consume the full packet. size: 4803, consumed: 0
22:04:19 T:140610736400128 M:390959104 WARNING: Decode - avcodec_decode_video didn't consume the full packet. size: 3888, consumed: 0
22:04:19 T:140610736400128 M:390959104 WARNING: Decode - avcodec_decode_video didn't consume the full packet. size: 4361, consumed: 0
22:04:19 T:140610736400128 M:390959104 WARNING: Decode - avcodec_decode_video didn't consume the full packet. size: 4557, consumed: 0
22:04:20 T:140611065227008 M:390705152 DEBUG: CGUIInfoManager::SetCurrentMovie(pvr://channels/tv/Alle TV Kanäle/1.pvr)

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[LINUX] VNSI - PVR make trouble with some Channles (HD/SD)0