Trouble Accessing Shared Folders
I keep getting an error when trying to click the windows (SMB)... i believe it is (ERROR 2) and it wont let me search for my shared files. If I manually try to add a source, I type in my IP address, then the folder name that holds the movie files, then I get a timeout error back. I just cant seem to access my shared files at all. Am I doing something incorrectly?

EDIT: Im using an Apple TV 2g
mcgehee44 Wrote:If I manually try to add a source, I type in my IP address, then the folder name that holds the movie files, then I get a timeout error back.

EDIT: Im using an Apple TV 2g

Had the same problem as you- When you add a source manually, type in your IP address, but NOT the folder name, and click Done. THen go back to add sources, browse, and select the SMB:// listing with the IP address you just entered. Any shared folders at that IP location will be there.

From there, you can add them easily.

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