xbmc won't delete read-only files
Yes. I know it sounds ridiculous that I want to delete read-only files.

But, my DVR uses the read-only attribute to indicate that a file should not be cleaned up automatically when the drive is full.

Is there any way to have XBMC clear the read-only attribute, then delete?

Is there a setting or script I can tweak?

Please point me to the approriate n00b guide if there's a way to customize something.

Windows is pretty picky and screwy about file locks. Hell this is the OS that you can't rename a file while it's open with something.
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `xbmc_%`.* TO 'xbmc'@'%';
IF you have a mysql problem, find one of the 4 dozen threads already open.
Yep. Windows file locking takes some getting used to. Especially if you come from the unix world.
But, this is not a file lock issue.
For instance, I can move and rename the files.
This is simply read-only attribute is set (purposefully by my DVR software).
If I unset the read-only attribute, XBMC can delete the file just fine.
brett.xbmc Wrote:Yes. I know it sounds ridiculous that I want to delete read-only files.

But, my DVR uses the read-only attribute to indicate that a file should not be cleaned up automatically when the drive is full.

Is there any way to have XBMC clear the read-only attribute, then delete?

Is there a setting or script I can tweak?

Please point me to the approriate n00b guide if there's a way to customize something.


You haven't told us much. Are we supposed to guess? Is XBMC interfacing with your DVR? Are you copying the files to some other system and then trying to delete? How are you trying to delete and from or to where?

Details please.
Here's the simplest way to reproduce.

Open Vista file explorer

right click on any video file included in your xbmc video sources

select properties on the file's context menu

select the general tab

check the read-only attribute

now open xbmc

try to delete that file from within xbmc


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