XBMC looses SMB connection on reboot - please help

I have an XBMC Live install and am connecting to shares on a WHS across a 100MB LAN. I Setup the shares just fine and can browse them and playback video from them no problem.

If I hibernate or suspend the box comes back up with access to the shares, but if I power off the box it looses connection to the shares and I can't get back into them, no matter what I do.

Is this a known bug? Is there anything specific I have to setup for SMB sharing on a WHS that I may have missed?

I did this, this morning but haven't tested it yet.


Hoping that solves my problem but I was wondering why on reboot the SMB share would become unaccessible. Huh

Any help greatly appericiated.
Can your HTPC perform other network related tasks? I've noticed occasionally after rebooting that my Revo will not initialize the network properly and must be powered off and rebooted. When this happens I obvioulsy can't access remote shares or even ssh into the box to troubleshoot.
Acer Revo 1600 /Tira2 IR rcvr
Hi, thanks for the reply. Yes it can do other network related task just fine, which is odd.

I followed the instuctions in the link in my first post and so far the problem hasn't come up again. I think it's SMB/Windows interoperability and the fact that I went to the shares via the network, and not a specifically mapped drive.

I'm now using a mapped drive, plus the suggested security settings in that link and as I say, so far so good.

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XBMC looses SMB connection on reboot - please help0