Protection Your Collection (RAID)
Wow - once the precleared drives were added in and set to format I had them up and running in 20 minutes. Added shares for Movies, TV, Music, Documents, Photos - configured NFS and other settings - all far too easy.

Lots and lots (and lots) of files to get into place now then I'll get the parity turned on!

I want to add a PCIx Sata card into my XBMC-Live box but I've been unable to find the proper instructions.
I'm using a Zotac H55-ITX-C-E Motherboard which has 6 sata ports. I want to put six 2tb drives for storage, one blu-ray drive and a 60gb ssd drive for the OS.
This requires a total of 8 sata ports leaving me 2 short.

I'm running mdadm raid5 so the card does not need to support raid. Something more in line with a pass through card. I'd like to put the six data drives on the motherboards sata ports and put the Blu-Ray and SSD on the card.
My main question would be. Can anyone assist in the procedure to install such a card.

86themachine Wrote:Hello,

I want to add a PCIx Sata card into my XBMC-Live box but I've been unable to find the proper instructions.
I'm using a Zotac H55-ITX-C-E Motherboard which has 6 sata ports. I want to put six 2tb drives for storage, one blu-ray drive and a 60gb ssd drive for the OS.
This requires a total of 8 sata ports leaving me 2 short.

I'm running mdadm raid5 so the card does not need to support raid. Something more in line with a pass through card. I'd like to put the six data drives on the motherboards sata ports and put the Blu-Ray and SSD on the card.
My main question would be. Can anyone assist in the procedure to install such a card.


Hi there dont quote me on this but I think I saw some discussion over at hardforums, may be worth a google / search there.
Step 1) Buy card that advertises "Linux compatibility"
Step 2) Plug card into computer. Drives into Card.
Step 3) Boot computer.

That's about it. Most newer hardware is built into the kernel. It'll just show up as sd#.
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