xbmc soes'nt handle lirc anymore

I've been spending a lot of time making lirc working with a PS3 BD remote and following many tutorials I finaly get a basic support under ubuntu-gnome and xbmc.

Do I decided to create a xml keymapping. But after copying a "Lircmap.xml" and "remote.xml" into my keymaps directory the remote stoped to work with xbmc... But still working in gnome and login sceen.

irw give me a perfect list of the remote's keys.

I have removed the .xbmc directory but the problem still occure...

I can't find any exemple of a keymap.xml for the PS3 BD remote.

Can anbody help me ? XBMC is the best mediacenter, I use it since I buy my xbox !!! It would be great if I could use it with a bluetooth remote !!!

Thanks in advance !
Please post a debug log (remember to turn on debug logging).
And also please post your Lircmap.xml, thanks Smile
Thank you fro your answer.

I removed all the xbmc packages and installed them again. So I get my remote working again but with a few buttons only.

The Lircmap.xml used was found here


I found many tutorials and this one was the best :

But nothing about the mapping...
Kernel Version?

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `xbmc_%`.* TO 'xbmc'@'%';
IF you have a mysql problem, find one of the 4 dozen threads already open.
Ubunut 10.10

As irw give me every button's correct name I'm pretty sure that I only have to complete the goot keymap xml file... But I can't find witch one is currently used...
So, il found thta lirc wasn't handeling the remote. It work with a few buttons even if lirc is'nt running.

lirc running > irw return the perfect mapping, but linux don't mind...
lirc not running > remote still working as kind of keyboard...

does it sound likesomething you meet before Huh

If I were you I would start over. I have had two xbmc systems running with the ps3 bluray remote and I never had problems like yours. Both were set up in less than an hour. There were two python packages to install. One being a script that associated the remote to the computer. Cant remember the other. Had to purge bluez from the system and get a modded bluez stack (compiled with fake root from memory). There was a repo for this to add. Oh yeah python-software-properties was the other package. If I remember one does not need lirc however if you do use lirc I think I remember one needing to set up lirc as a /dev/eventx kernel event. Add uinput to your modules. Someone wrote a /udev rule for the mode in which uinput is loaded. I am sure you have seen all of these already.

Now that you have removed your .xbmc folder you have some real work to do to get things back the way they were. As I said I would just start over. Reinstall xbmc and purge bluez. Add the repo for the modded bluez. sudo apt-get install bluez bluez-utils. Install your ps3-remote.py script and get the remote associated again then work on button mappings, one button at a time. Not the whole xml file.

Did you follow the ps3 bluray remote thread here in the xbmc forums?
A F'n Roku, cant wait to build a ryzen.
I folowed this one http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=50717

But, as I'm not fluent in English I do not read the full story. The last step for me was to find a Lircmap.xml and Keymap.xml. I finally found both of them here : http://www.harley-jones.co.uk/?p=41 and can enjoy my "not so cheap" hardware.

I think adding wrong xml maps "brocked" xbmc (I don't see why) but ubuntu doesn't need lirc to basically handle the remote, so it was still working under gnome and gdm. They could be a battery problem too, because the remote wasn't able to switch to sleep mode...

I'm going to add "resolved" to this thread. (It looks like I can't !...)

Next step : wiimotes and retro gaming !!! Smile

Thanks for you help.
zugol Wrote:I folowed this one http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=50717

But, as I'm not fluent in English I do not read the full story. The last step for me was to find a Lircmap.xml and Keymap.xml. I finally found both of them here : http://www.harley-jones.co.uk/?p=41 and can enjoy my "not so cheap" hardware.

I think adding wrong xml maps "brocked" xbmc (I don't see why) but ubuntu doesn't need lirc to basically handle the remote, so it was still working under gnome and gdm. They could be a battery problem too, because the remote wasn't able to switch to sleep mode...

I'm going to add "resolved" to this thread. (It looks like I can't !...)

Next step : wiimotes and retro gaming !!! Smile

Thanks for you help.

That would be my blog :-) Glad it helped...have just read your post.

The remote works by default under mythbuntu (what I sue, and I guess therefore ubuntu also) as it is basically seen as a BT keybopard I believe so you get what you were seeing with up,down,left,right and numbers working by default. LIRC and the keymaps give you all the extra functionality, play/pause etc all mapped to xbmc,

Caqrry on reading my post on my blog and add the kitlaan patches and then you can set the remote to sleep (mine is set to 5 minutes) and your batteries will last MUCH longer

Yeah ! Now the remote go to sleep !!

I've tried to add "ESC" key to kemap.xml but it doesn't work. It would be great to stop emulators without using my keyboard...

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xbmc soes'nt handle lirc anymore0