New Intel DH61AG thin mini-itx board
Hi guys

Has anyone seen this board intel dh61ag seems an interesting mini itx board it looks like it comes with integrated tuner, just wondered if anybody else has heard of it and what you think

Integrated tuner? I'm not finding that. Blush
I might be wrong with that reading an article about the board see if I can find it and post the link. Smile
Doesn't seem to have a tuner, but it does have an htpc header on the motherboard. Which can be made to control LED's on a case(for instance a red LCD might light up if you're recording something if you have a tuner installed.)
Here is the article im not sure if it is an optional item but still board looks impressive
From that article you linked ....

Quote:Intel's DH61AG Mini-ITX motherboard is designed for multimedia entertainment. Yuan High-Tech Development Co. Ltd. (Taipei, Taiwan) has created an MC002 mini-card that includes dual tuners and the FlexiTV software modem and digital platform that can be plugged into the motherboard, thus enabling digital terrestrial TV reception across all global standards.

The tuner is not integrated into the MB but rather it's plugged into one of the mini-pcie slots on the MB. I don't see why you couldn't use that tuner on any other MB with a mini-pcie slot.
HTPC: Win 7 Home 64-bit | MB | CPU | GPU | RAM | Case | PSU | Tuner | HDDs: OS, Media | DVD Burner | Remote
Media server: unraid 4.7 | CPU | MB | RAM | Case | PSU | HDDs: Parity-2TB, Data-2x2TB
beating a dead horse

seems rather nice I must say
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New Intel DH61AG thin mini-itx board0