remote connetct appletv2 to my nas?
Hi im going on vacation and im bringing my appletv2 and i want to acces my nas at home, is that possible and if so howHuh

First - you better have great internet connection - both upload and download speed
Next you need to open ports in your router so the "outside world" can access your NAS
See this for ideas

Then once you get that setup, I would go to a local friends house and try to stream from your house - to make sure it works the way you expect it to

*My crystal ball says "if you get this going, the performance of your internet connection streaming from your house will be too limited and cause lots of "buffering" messages or just crash the ATV2"
It would be freakishly cool to be able to do though. Just pack around an atv and have access to a full def movie collection, wherever you go, only needing an hdmi hookup? Roit on buy!

Is this something that could be developed for a typical internet connection? We can already stream movies via netflix, atv, etc, so the download shouldn't be an issue. What about storing movies in the "cloud" as they call it (with boatloads of space, of course)? For what people pay for their own unraid NAS setups, there could be a (very weak, probably illegal) business plan here haha
I already do this, I just set up an FTP and access my NAS with that when I'm away from home. I have FIOS and it works fine

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remote connetct appletv2 to my nas?0