Custom Remote and DVD menus
Hello, I have been programming custom remotes and I keep bumping up against some issues.

I am currently dealing with a PS3 remote that presents itself as a USB joystick to the OS.

The problem I am having is that in Dharma 10.1 as I understand it, XBMC is unaware whether it is playing a DVD menus or Fullscreenvideo.

I want to set a button mapping differently in DVD menus than in fullscreenvideo. I found this

But like most of the info here , I suspect it relates to an older version. Aside from that it fails to mention the appropriate modes such as "FullscreenVideo" and "VideoOSD" that one needs for each relevant section of the remote file.

So I am asking if there is a difference to XBMC whether it is in a DVD menu or playing a video. Alternately whether it is playing a DVD vs other file such as MKV or DIVX. I want my up/down, left/right and enter keys to be there on DVD menus but want to reassign them in fullscreenvideo for Increase/decrease PAR , Zoom in/out and aspect ratio toggle respectively, that is at least for Non - DVD videos. Obviously DVD videos do not need these aspect and zoom functions do I can forgo it completely for DVDd but would prefer to have up/down, left/right, and enter only on DVD Menus

I have tried VideoMenu and DVDMenu with no luck

Any ideas?
Ok I have confirmd that this IS possible as the ATV remote behaves similarly to what I need to do.

For example.
WHen in a DVD menu Apple TV remote uses up/downl/left/right to navigate the DVD menus

When playing back the DVD up/down are volume and left/right are skip ahead and Back

upon reviewing the Apple Remote file I see that the globals are up/down/left/right map to up/down/left/right this is wjhat I have in my custom file as well

    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <!-- plus --> <button id="1">Up</button>
      <!-- minus --> <button id="2">Down</button>
      <!-- left --> <button id="3">Left</button>
      <!-- right --> <button id="4">Right</button>

and my custom joystick remotes (thus the reference to "hat"
    <joystick name="ACRUX IR PS3 Remote Pad">
      <altname>PS3 Remote Keyboard</altname>
      <altname>MoSart PS3 Remote Keyboard</altname>
      <hat    id="1" position="left">Left</hat>
      <hat    id="1" position="right">Right</hat>
      <hat    id="1" position="up">Up</hat>
      <hat    id="1" position="down">Down</hat>

Now the fullscreenVideo looks like this on Apple Remote (note the same buttons on the Apple RTemote referenced in the earlier Apple Remote code sample)
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <button id="1">VolumeUp</button>
      <button id="2">VolumeDown</button>
      <button id="3">StepBack</button>
      <button id="4">StepForward</button>

Now my custom remote

    <joystick name="ACRUX IR PS3 Remote Pad">
      <altname>PS3 Remote Keyboard</altname>
      <altname>MoSart PS3 Remote Keyboard</altname>
      <hat    id="1" position="left">DecreasePAR</hat>
      <hat    id="1" position="right">IncreasePAR</hat>
      <hat    id="1" position="up">ZoomIn</hat>
      <hat    id="1" position="down">ZoomOut</hat>

So I suspected what I needed was a VideoMenu section as I see in the apple remote
    <joystick name="AppleRemote">
      <button id="5">Select</button>
      <button id="6">Stop</button>
      <button id="7">OSD</button>
      <button id="8"/>
However this does not affect Up/down/left/right

so I made the section VideoMenu which includes
<hat    id="1" position="left">Left</hat>
      <hat    id="1" position="right">Right</hat>
      <hat    id="1" position="up">Up</hat>
      <hat    id="1" position="down">Down</hat>

Still no up down left right navigation on DVD menus!

Please, any ideas?

Next I will have to boot ATV to linux and see if the ATV remote behavior is the same as with OSX
ANyone else here feel like they are talking to themselves?

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Custom Remote and DVD menus0