HELP! can't installed XBMC on Acer Revo
I recently bought an Acer Revo R3600 and I'm having some problems installing the XBMC Live software. I downloaded the XBMC Live Dharma I have used Unetbootin (using Ubuntu distribution and 10.1 live version) to load the Dharma 10.1 iso from onto a 16gB USB stick.

I am able to run XBMC Live from the boot menu when I turn it on, however I get a couple of errors before hand that may be clues to why is doesn't install when I try:

"acer-wmi: no or unsupported WMI interface, unable to load"

It then moves to a screen displaying at the top:

"Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS XBMCLive tty1"

and asking for xbmc password and login. Once i use the default passwords XBMC will load and work okay (except no internet). I am able to load XBMC from the same USB stick no problems on my Dell Vostro 1710.

However, when I try and install it will go no further than the "Install System" option before explaining it had to stop because of an error (gives no clue as to why!)

I'm very new to this set-up and have been trying to follow instructions from the forums to no avail - any help would be greatly appreciated and I will give any more information necessary.

Thanks in advance!
Boot your Revo and immediately press F2 to enter the BIOS setup.
Restore EVERYTHING to default using Load Defaults.

Save and Exit.

While it's on the Acer Splash keep tapping F12 and you will be greated with a option to load from USB/DVD. Select your media your installing from.

Next, the blue Ubootinet menu appears. Click Install XBMCLive.

Go through the motions all the way to the end, as per norm. Once it's installed and asks to reboot do so.

Leave you Revo to load up into XBMCLive the first time (the login screen appears, but dont, just leave it) usually takes between 5 or 10 minutes to sort everything out.

Once it's done, it will load the XBMC Boot splash and enter. The next time you reboot, it will take about 45 seconds from on to XBMC.

Hope that helps. Big Grin
Maraschino - Web based HTPC Organiser. Keep track of all your web based programs all in one place.
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I reset the BIOS settings but I still get the same error when I try and install. It comes up with a red box explaining there was an error with the process "Install the system"

Is there a particular partition setting I should use?

Is there an alternative method I could try?

Thanks for your help!
On my Revo I simply use the entire Hard Drive for XBMCLive, but I also use SabNZBd on it, hence why I use the full 500Gb for EXT4.

I have had similar in the past with cheapo USB Sticks. Which are you using?
I tried a Maxell 4Gb a while back and it failed. I recreated it again on a Sandisk drive and it completed without a problem.
Maraschino - Web based HTPC Organiser. Keep track of all your web based programs all in one place.
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Are you sure it's not because the installer is seeing the USB stick as the drive to install the GRUB bootloader to? (Common occuerence, much easier to get hold of an external usb cd\dvd drive if possible).

Also, that WMI....error on bootup is completely normal and happens on all Revo boxes, blame the ubuntu developers. Like the XBMC developers they have an obsession with adding weird features that only they want, that nobody will use, but forgetting to add the basics that everyone needs. Maybe some kind of sponsorship deal, I mean checkout of the new USB CEC rubbish.

Anyway, ignore the 2nd bit of my post, hope the first bit helps Smile

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HELP! can't installed XBMC on Acer Revo0