Party Mode Woes
Hi everyone, first post - go easy on me!

My set-up is as follows:

XBMC 10.1 Stable
Windows 7 Ultimate (32 bit) Build 7600
Foxconn NT-A3500 - AMD E350 Dual Core 1.8Ghz, 3.5GB System RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6300 @ 1920x1080, 60Hz, 500GB HDD (450GB Free).

My problem is that Party Mode in my music library fails, all the time, with the message: "Party Mode Aborted: Could Not Get Songs From Database". Sometimes it's after one or two tracks, sometimes it's after a few more. I suspect it's down to some of my music but the debug log isn't being very helpful unless there's something in there that I'm not picking up on. I had thought that maybe it was down to some of my non mp3 format music, so I've moved away all my ogg, m4a, mp4 files and rebuilt my library and still the same thing happens. My music is all kept on a NAS which is shared via SMB.

Please see my debug log:

Hopefully someone else has had this problem and can point me in the right place for some kind of solution.

Thanks in advance!
I have the same problem ...

I'm running also the last stable release.

I rebuild the library several times, tried to use XBMC in portable mode aswell, but everytime I get the message "Party Mode aborted ! Could not get songs from database"

Curiously enough : if I don't react to this message, Party Mode continues, even after the 10 songs in the list have finished. I even see the list 'playing now' getting new songs ...
Before you say "so don't complain, it works !" : this also means I cannot touch anything within XBMC, because if I react to the message, Party Mode DOES stop and plays the remaining 9 songs...

I'm wondering if playlistfiles (for example : .m3u of .cue files) may be the cause ? This because I'm not sure they're all up to date after I'm been cleaning out, making all musicfiles identical qua name-structure, a little intense job over the last year...

Any suggestions or sollutions anyone ?
I'm not sure what I did, but the problem just disappeared one day, Pepar823.

I too have been going through all my music and updating the tags, generally clearing out so maybe I have fixed something... either way phantom problem has been gone for a long time now.

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