Best Settings for Dirty Regions on ATV2

i'm using dirty regions since the day they were announced.

I'm wondering which settings you are using.

I tried very much every combination.

My current setting is algorithm 2 with 50 ms fliptimeout. I got almost no flickering, however subjectively it's kind of laggy.

If i set the fliptimeout higher it's faster but i will get flickering.

Whats your recommendation?


algorithm 3
Hi davilla,

i also used algorithm 3. In my opinion it is laggy as without dr enabled.

Is it not the same as without dr enabled? It is always rendering the whole screen if something changed.

Or am i mistaken?

Thank you for your answer.

greetz regnets
I recon the reason why Davilla told you their recomandation was 3, was the obvious that 3 is the default on latest nightly, hence it is the recommended one.

is that a bingo?
GnarusLeo Wrote:I recon the reason why Davilla told you their recomandation was 3, was the obvious that 3 is the default on latest nightly, hence it is the recommended one.

is that a bingo?

as far as I know, dirty regions are NOT enabled by default on the ATV2 nightlies, unless something changed and I missed it in the commits.
No, I don't believe they are either.
i'd rather be interested which <nofliptimeout> value is recommended in combination with algorithm 3 on an atv2
Maetrik Wrote:i'd rather be interested which <nofliptimeout> value is recommended in combination with algorithm 3 on an atv2

Per the FAQ:

Quote:Because all GPUs work differently, only Mode 3, combined with nofliptimeout=0, is guaranteed to be safe for everyone, but current timing issues with nofliptimeout keep this from being the default.
Quote:..but current timing issues with nofliptimeout keep this from being the default

thats why i was asking for suggestions for the atv2 Wink but i'll try 0 then, had 50ms the last days but no time to test really.
Maetrik Wrote:thats why i was asking for suggestions for the atv2 Wink but i'll try 0 then, had 50ms the last days but no time to test really.

wondering what results you had?

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Best Settings for Dirty Regions on ATV21