Library Renamer/Centralizer
XBMC is fairly flexible when it comes to identifying your library, even if it's not in a great state. As long as you follow certain naming conventions, it'll pick things up. A few files of course you'd manually edit because your file name wasn't right or whatnot.

Ok, so how about, once you're done this, XBMC has a feature to rename your entire library, based on certain naming conventions (like from tv/movie database) to make it look organized in your hard drive, as well as your XBMC library. I think this would make reinstalling much easier (especially if you forgot to export your library/other settings) and it'd be just plain prettier in your filesystem.

Does this feature already exist? Or do you think it's a bad idea? I know there's already software out there to do this, but none that I know of can use the XBMC stored library information to rename, it'd likely be a huge hassle, since many files have been identified, but the files haven't been renamed.
XBMC doesn't touch your filesystem, but if you tell it to, you can export .nfo/thumbs/fanart alongside your media.

This doesn't clean up your filesystem, but it does mean that future scrapes are fullproof.
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I figured as much. Well, if it's a separate software solution, what do you guys think of "theRenamer" ? Have people here had success with it, or would recommend any others?

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Library Renamer/Centralizer0