[Solved] Check mark disappears when moving on to next movie/episode
I bet you have the option to hide watched episodes checked, and what is happening is that the watched episode is being removed from the list altogether. When you are in the the tv show view listing the episodes for a particular show, press to the left, and look for the option to hide watched. Unselect it and see if everything pops up.

The only other thing is if you are not using the Library mode, maybe you are just browsing through the files in your sources, and they are not scanned to your library, then maybe it does not track watched status ( I am not sure, I scan everything in as that is what I like). If that is the case you need to have it scan them in. You can follow the directions on the wiki here.
UPnP won't work with library features or watched checkmarks because the file paths are dynamic.

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[Solved] Check mark disappears when moving on to next movie/episode0