XBMCbuntu Rocks!
I managed to get the audio working (finally!) on my Revo by setting Input and Output to the defaults HDMI
And then my audio to Analogue when watching movies.

Gonna see if I can figure out how to hook up my iPhone as a remote control for it using XBMC Commander.

But first a couple of quick questions:
1) I noticed that the Boxee XBMC theme lets me play channels like Revision3 and YouTube, etc. without any problems. But when I set my theme to Aeon MQ3 (amazing them by the way), I can't seem to play these channels. They show up under Programs -> Video but it gives a plugin error when I try to browse them. Any ideas?
2) Can I actually use my Revo's harddrive for torrent downloading, and also for setting up as a Linux share of some sort to communicate with my Win7 and Mac computers? If so, then how do I set those things up? I downloaded the Transmission app in XBMCubuntu but I'm not exactly sure how to get that working? Also, can I access my XBMCubuntu shared folder from my other computers or do I need to always manage my files from my HTPC?

Cool, thanks for shaing!

I'll make the jump to XBMCbuntu.

Search for the LaSi script (run it ./LaSi.sh)that installs the transmission-daemon.
Then you will be able to control it from any computer in the house.

Have you installed SMB?

Right click on the folder you want to share - Properties - Share and then check it out on your other computers through XBMC.

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