Soft Colors On DVD MKV
Hey guys, So I had some issues with soft coloring on MKVs created from DVDs via makemkv on my windows XBMC machine...... I posted about it hereL:

Anyways, I thought it was an issue with the VGA/Video Card and then the VGA-> Component conversion.

Well I decided to get an AppleTV 1 that has native component out to hopefully eliminate the issue.. .Well, I finally got it up and running last night, played a movie, and low and behold the colors were soft and washed out here too. As you can see in the Windows post I could open that same .mkv in different applications and one would have the soft washed out colors and the other would be vibrant.

Is there something wrong in XBMC with mkvs or Mpeg2 or something?

Is there something wrong with my rips? There was no encoding taking place. It was strait from DVD to uncompressed .mkv files.

I am frustrated.

Any suggestions guys?

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Soft Colors On DVD MKV0