The video lag when show the Chinese subtitle from iPad 3
The video lag when show the Chinese subtitle from iPad 3.
Have anyone occur the same problem? Have any solution?

Thanks you very much Laugh
I have posted the same question in "the iPad3 and XBMC" thread here:

I should be a long-term problem in XBMC and the retina resolution of ipad 3 magnifies it to totally unusable. Not only Chinese, other unicode language should also encounter the same problem. XBMC is almost the worst player when handing non-graphical subtitles. It's such a pity that we can't have any acceptable hd players on the new ipad.
(2012-06-24, 06:18)generalmilk Wrote: I have posted the same question in "the iPad3 and XBMC" thread here:

I should be a long-term problem in XBMC and the retina resolution of ipad 3 magnifies it to totally unusable. Not only Chinese, other unicode language should also encounter the same problem. XBMC is almost the worst player when handing non-graphical subtitles. It's such a pity that we can't have any acceptable hd players on the new ipad.

My iPhone 4 plays SSA subtitles quite well, actually. I have found that it's borderline since I updated to iOS 5.x, so I have to have them run locally, but they still work.

Plain 'ol SRT works flawlessly.

There are some subtitle issues that are happening on all platforms of XBMC and are being worked on. No doubt that it will be fixed by the time Frodo comes out, but everything until then is an unstable pre-release build, so who knows. That's just the way it is.

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The video lag when show the Chinese subtitle from iPad 30