Linux Wheezy Nvidia ION2 Display Options
Hey all,

I'm setting up xbmc on a AT5IONT-I board running Wheezy latest. Getting the Nvidia drivers going was fun - and now I'm almost there. This tutorial seems to be the most recent for a similar setup, but there's not much detail in there.

Currently, I can startx and take control of my monitor over the HDMI connection - but I get this when I run xbmc:

Error: unable to open display
XBMC needs hardware accelerated OpenGL rendering.
Install an appropriate graphics driver.

Running glxinfo returns the same first line, unless I run it like this:

glxinfo -display :0 | grep render

In which case I get the following:

direct rendering: Yes
OpenGL renderer string: ION/PCIe/SSE2
    GL_NV_conditional_render, GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color, GL_NV_copy_image,
    GL_NV_parameter_buffer_object2, GL_NV_path_rendering,
    GL_NVX_conditional_render, GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info,
    GL_OES_depth_texture, GL_OES_element_index_uint, GL_OES_fbo_render_mipmap,

So I'm trying to figure out how I can specify a display number to xbmc. Any ideas, experts?

xorg.conf ?
The only bit I changed from the default is this:

Section "Device"
    Identifier     "NVidia ION"
    Driver         "nvidia"
    VendorName     "NVIDIA Corporation"
    Option         "HWCursor" "False"
    Option         "NoFlip" "False"
    Option         "FlatPanelProperties" "Scaling = Native"
    Option         "DynamicTwinView" "False"
    Option         "ConnectedMonitor" "DFP-1"
    #Option         "CustomEDID" "DFP-1:/etc/X11/edid.bin"
    Option         "NoLogo" "True"

Full config here:
Bump. Anyone got an idea where I could start with this?
DFP-0 not DFP-1... try this
under the "Module" section, be sure that it contains a line:
Load "glx"


Section "Module"
Load "glx"

(I can recal this problem my self when i had debian installed)
Thanks guys.

@John.cord: I tried DFP-1 - this made no difference. I've commented that line out now as I don't see that it's doing anything for me.

@alfton: The Debian wiki says to add that entry *if* you have a Module section in xorg.conf. Mine didn't have that, so I tried adding it anyway. It didn't work either Sad

Surely there's some obvious answer to this... The thing works! XBMC just doesnt know that it does..
If im not mistaking here, I think you missing some packages, to get the gl going, I can clearly remeber i had the same problem. have you installed the nvidia driver directly from nvidia not the aptitude way?

I can also remember some problem with conflicting driver with the X11 that i needed to blacklist to make it work.. Sorry its a long time sins i installed the wheezy on my box so i dont remeber what it did to make i work.

(I know its posible to make it work becouse I had it up runing)
hmm, maybe some symlinks that helped xbmc to se that it is there...Sorry I dont remeber

another thing, maybe you have this bug?
alfton, thanks for your reply dude.

I think I know which driver thing you mean when you say blacklisting - it's the removal of the "nouveau" driver which isn't going to be any good until Wheezy is stable. I've followed those instruction to get off nouveau and onto the non-free nvidia driver already.

I haven't tried installing a driver direct from nvidia, but I'm pretty sure I don't have to.. Because it does actually work! .... But only when I specify "-display :0" to glxinfo.

Who knows who to inform xbmc to look in that location.... I might do some hacking this weekend.

Any more posts are welcome!!

xbmcs startup script calls, which in turn does this:
glxinfo | grep "direct rendering"
direct rendering: Yes

if the output is not "direct rendering: Yes", it will throw your "XBMC needs hardware accelerated OpenGL rendering" error.
Thanks wsnipex.. As in the OP, I receive that very error. However, I can run:

glxinfo -display :0 | grep render

So my question is really what config do I need to make :0 become the default? (Or similar).
I finally figured this one out - and of course it was pretty obvious really. When you understand what's going on Wink

In my case, I'm running xbmc on a headless machine. Debian Squeeze to be precise, with no window manager:

"The current configuration is a HTPC running Debian Squeeze, with no window manager installed. The main goal here is to start an Xserver only for XBMC. It allows also to specify which user will start / own the XBMC process. This method will not work if you have a window manager installed"

Maybe that will help someone if they find this post Big Grin
I am having a similar problem. But I could not make out the solution from the link you mentioned above. Can you share the update that you did?
I literally just created the init script as supplied in the wiki. Then run /etc/init.d/xbmc start

What happens for you? What's the output/error?

Sorry for late reply, I didn't have notifications on..
well, I finally gave up on this and installed openelec. Interestingly, that one worked smooth like a butter and my external monitor is behaving as a good boy. And one guy had created an addon for opera browser which truly fulfilled all my needs of an htpc! Here is the link for the opera add-on for openelec that works with no hiccups -
Thanks mafro for the response anyways.

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Wheezy Nvidia ION2 Display Options1