Win .3dbd tag not recognized on windows shares ?
I have some video files located on a server, accessible through a window share (i.e. \\server\bluray3d). I renames the files with the .3dbd at the end in order to have the gold 3d case displaying when I browse the movie in XBMC. Unfortunately it does not work, it shows the normal bluray case.
I also tried to assign this windows share to a local drive but it still does not show the gold case, only the bluray case.
Strangely, if I copy the same file on the local c: drive, it shows the gold case.

Does anyone have a clue on how I can have this .3dbd tag recognized ?

I'm using XBMC 11, with Aeon MQ 4 under windows 7.

did someone have the same problem and found a workaround ?
try "yourmoviename (2012).3DBD.mkv" thats how it works for me
thanks but it didn't work for me. Are your files on a network share too ? did you name the directory and/or the share in a special way ?
For me it works with [3DBD] and only in the filename.
Hi, has anyone figured this out?

I've named my movie Bolt.3DBD it's an iso but Aeon detects it as a dvd cover!? Can I manually select a cover for my movies?


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.3dbd tag not recognized on windows shares ?0