Linux Movie fanart & posters not displaying post library import
I successfully updated from Eden to OpenElec Frodo yesterday without to much bother. This was a clean install on a fresh drive and I exported the video library from my Eden install and imported into the fresh Frodo install.

Had a play around and I'm really liking the new version. However I do have one issue that seems to plague me every time I update a major version and have to rely on a library export and import, movie art not displaying for many films. I ensure the setup is the same as the previous version with media locations as this is all on an external NAS and the movies all play perfectly and contain film descriptions and cast but the majority have no fanart or posters being displayed. If I select movie info followed by refresh, most will ask if I want to replace the local content with Internet, to which I select No and this brings the artwork back. This is a long and boring job as it effects several hundred movies. My TV media is fine and all artwork is displayed post library import.

I seem to remember that there is a form of art cache but not sure is this is the problem or how I refresh it? It would seem that most of my movies have locally stored artwork and I just need to carry out a global refresh rather than an individual one, is this possible?

I'm running OpenElec 3 beta6 ION 64 bit release on an ASRock machine with all media stored on a LAN connected UnRAID server sharing via SMB.

Any advice welcome or I'm stuck for a few hours refreshing my movie DB.
OpenELEC 3 (Frodo) Beta 6
10TB unRAID media server
Anyone got any suggestions to help me on this one? Really not looking forward to refreshing a couple of hundred movies.
OpenELEC 3 (Frodo) Beta 6
10TB unRAID media server
When you export the video library do you export to a single file or do you export as separate files?
I export as a single file.

Yesterday I installed Movie Fanart addon and ran this over my movie collection. This has now ensured that all my movies have posters and fanart associated correctly. I have checked half a dozen movies and yes if I manually refresh, the art is found locally but it's not picked up automatically.

Any clues on how I can refresh the movie art without having to do this manually.
OpenELEC 3 (Frodo) Beta 6
10TB unRAID media server

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Movie fanart & posters not displaying post library import0