Win Frodo RC2 SMB shares login not working
Hello hearty people!

I have a Windows 7 computer acting as home server with a shared folder called "Media" on it. This folder contains two seperate folders, "Movies" and "TV Shows". These two folders have been working perfectly fine as two seperate media sources.

I have recently upgraded from XBMC 11 to XBMC 12RC2, and along with that I removed the password from the Windows 7 computer. I am running the XBMC12RC2 on a seperate Windows 7 computer and has never had any problems with this setup until I removed the password.

Now, when I want to add the two folders as SMB shares I get prompted to enter a username and password. I enter the username "Dataserver" and leave the password field blank. Then I press "Remember this" and press "Okay". Then it just pops right back up and prompts me for the same details again.

I found a guide on the internet describing how you should be able to circumvent this problem by removing the Live Essentials plugin from the XBMC computer, which I have done to no avail.

Can you guys help me out here?

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