Win File stops playing after pause Frodo RC3
The Issue - an example

1) Watching Men In Black 3 (16GB).
2) Pause it for two minutes.
3) Unpause and it plays for a few seconds then exits and returns to the movies library.
4) Press Return key and it gives the option to resume from the point it was on before I paused it.
5) Plays fine

My setup
Gbit ethernet
12TB in one PC, all streaming over network
Lenovo Q180 HTPC
Movies HDD 4TB is SATA 6Gbps 7200RPM

I've tested other films and even smaller TV Shows etc, same issue. Only upgraded to RC3 earlier today, didn't see this issue on RC2. I have noticed however on Frodo that every so often the file (any format or size) will pause for a second or less and then resume playing, almost like it's buffering. This is on the Lenovo Q180 and a second HTPC in my bedroom (i5 2500, 4GB ram etc). Didn't see this issue on Eden and the network performs nicely.
Please read the online manual (wiki) & FAQ (wiki) before posting.

Skins: Estuary | Xperience1080
Opinion: Never purchase HTC products
Trying to duplicate your issue

1) Watching Men in Black 3 (6.3GB)
2) Pause for two minutes (as I write this)
3) Unpause and it plays

4) Watching Lawrence of Arabia (18GB)
5) Pause for two minutes... unpaused plays fine.

My Setup:

Local files on HD
12TB in on desktop PC
Win/764 Frodo RC3 skin T! SVN
Movies 2TB SATA 3Gps 5800RPM

I suspect this might be a network handshake issue. Put on the debug and use the video OSD keyboard 'o' command and see if you can fetter this out to networking.
Thanks for the reply. I've just checked my router settings and network card settings on all PCs. I also copied a 20GB file from the main PC to HTPC and HTPCB (living room and bedroom). The transfer rate was what I expected, 80MBps on HTPC and 102MBps on HTPCB. The speed dropped for the last 5GB but only down to ~40MBps which should still be fine as the maximum bitrate for any file I have is 30Mbps. I will keep looking at it and post a log, however I have just noticed a larger thread with more or less the same issue.
Please read the online manual (wiki) & FAQ (wiki) before posting.

Skins: Estuary | Xperience1080
Opinion: Never purchase HTC products
I had this happen in RC2 the other day. Not repeated itself yet though.

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File stops playing after pause Frodo RC30