Newb Posting, ASUS TF300T
Hey guys

I'm sorry if this topic has been covered but I'm having trouble streaming my ,movies from my xbmc server (Windows 7)

I have XBMC installed on my ASUS however when I select my win 7 machine, using uPNP, I see that xbmc is working, but it

never yeilds any results. Is there something additional that I need to be running on my tablet to make this work?

Thanks in advance.

What are you using for the UPnP server on the Windows 7 machine? XBMC? If it's XBMC then you need to add videos to the library (see adding videos to the library (wiki)). Only library videos will get shared via XBMC's UPnP server.

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Newb Posting, ASUS TF300T0