Main menu "TV Shows" problem
Hi, i am using XBMC on my PC but also on my Xtreamer Ultra and with both machines having same problem.
In have a 1tb hdd in my ultra named "storage" on this disc a folder "Videos" and "TVshows".
In the main menu of confluence I see Videos and TV Series, so far so good, when i place my mouse on videos, i see the movies in this map, when i move my mouse to TV Series it is empty. When i click on TV Series i get a directory with the series in it. But when i click one as "example NCIS", the map is empty. When i go from the main menu and click on Videos > Files > tvshows > NCIS than i see the files and that is on both machines the same.

What did i wrong?
Seems that your TV shows arent correct in the library. Have you named them correctly?
It appears only the shows were scanned into your library, but not the episodes. Give us an example of how you are naming a show folder and the episode files contained within it (exact names and extensions). Also, provide the settings selected on the "Set content" page for that show ("c" on keyboard or right mouse click on the show folder to open context menu, then select "Change content").
Thanks for your reply, let me tell you how I did, I splitted me hdd of my Xtreamer Ultra in 2 partitions..1. system...2 storage and installed Openelec on the first partition... When I started the Xtreamer, XBMC shows up.
With Filemanager I added storage as location...Clicking on storage I saw several maps already created (Config files, Downloads with submaps, Emulators, etc and also TV Shows and Videos...I download with Sabnzb and place me movies in Videos, and series in TV TV Shows I made a submap Commassaris Rex and in this submap Seizoen1 with a map Commassaris Rex cd1 , Commassaris Rex cd2 with the videofiles

In the main menu..clicked on Videos > Add Videos browsed to /storage/TV Shows/ TV series as contains and OK

Hope this is what you mean ,,,and sorry for my bad english
(2013-02-12, 20:45)Vliegendemug Wrote: TV Shows I made a submap Commassaris Rex and in this submap Seizoen1 with a map Commassaris Rex cd1 , Commassaris Rex cd2 with the videofiles
You did not indicate how you actually named the files for your individual episodes. See this wiki article for the proper naming convention and file structure to use for TV shows and episodes:

Quote:In the main menu..clicked on Videos > Add Videos browsed to /storage/TV Shows/ TV series as contains and OK
Be sure you also select a TV scraper on that page where you specified "This directory contains (TV shows)". Also, you should go to the website used by the scraper (e.g., and verify you can search and locate your show. Use the show name and season/episode numbers, as listed on the site, to name your episode files as described in the wiki article above.

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Main menu "TV Shows" problem0