OS X Window Hogger
Feature suggestion: tell XBMC to quit using all the screen space. Mac OS-X )

I'm a brand new XBMX user who streams to an HDTV from a Mac-Mini running Snow Leopard 10.6.8. Started straightaway with v.12 'Frodo ' and no prior experience.
I love what XBMC can do , with one glaring exception : WHY does XBMC on the Mac use the entire monitor window ?
I am not a Lion or Mountain Lion user. I have no use for full screen apps. I really really want some available real estate on my computer screen when XBMC is running.

What I would like to have the XBMC app window be reduceable , or even Minimize once the stream gets going.
In other words, do what any other native OS-X window can do.

Am I missing something ? Does XBMC already allow resizeable screen window ?
XBMC is designed to be connected directly to the TV and not just stream to one. That being said, press "\" on your keyboard.
Or System->System->Video-> set resolution to windowed.

Sry for my bad mind - but what was XBMX again? Why do people keep calling XBMC XBMX? Even people who don't seem to have any prior experience with it?
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