XBMC shrunk to quarter size, screen now has X in center
I just ran into this problem... I think I hit the backslash '\' key on my keyboard. However, hitting backslash doesnt make it return to normal.

The XBMC is shrunk to 1/4 size and a placed in the upper-left corner. A background that appears to be black/white pixels shows up, and In the very center of the screen I see "X". I assume this is X windows? And how does one bring XBMC back to full screen, and is it possible to disable this?
I have had this. Use a mouse (my keyboard gets disabled when this happens), go into settings, change the resolution, and change it back. The screen will come back to normal.

This should be reported as a bug and fixed if possible, it has gotten me messed up on a couple occasions, and took me a bit to figure out how to fix it.
\ should toggle between fullscreen and windowed.

however take a look settings|system|video

\ can be disabled. XBMCbuntu does it by including a file called ~/.xbmc/userdata/keymaps/noBS.xml which contains

nick@xbmcbuntu-vb:~$ cat .xbmc/userdata/keymaps/noBS.xml
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\ toggles to windowed mode, but then it does not toggle back, and the user gets stuck.

It disables my whole keyboard, nothing responds. But the mouse (which is actually built into the keyboard), works fine. I am on openelec if that matters.
read the answer above mine then Smile

use mine to disable \
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First move your mouse to the XBMC window, and click it to make it active.
Now the \ will work.


I've run into this several times... annoyed me a lot until i disabled the backslash.

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XBMC shrunk to quarter size, screen now has X in center1