Falling at the first hurdle
Stupid question I'm sure but I've wasted 2 hours of my life now trying to find the answer, I'd be grateful if someone more experienced that me could offer any suggestions.

I'm a Linux n00b, I was reading a bit about xbmc and I thought I'd have a look at it as a long-time Windows Media Center user. I'm running the live CD booted from my PXE server, and I'm running it in Oracle Virtualbox on Windows.

It all seems to load fine but I can't log into xbmc!

I get a nice looking xbmc splash screen flashing on my screen a few times, then it jumps to a login screen

To proceed I have to select 'Other', I'm then trying the username xbmc and no password, this doesn't work with XBMC selected at the bottom but if I select XBMCbuntu with the same login details it loads the desktop. When I try to start XBMC from Sound & Video > XBMC Media Center, the XBMC splash screen loads then quickly disappears, and I'm back on the desktop. What am I missing here?
Sounds like XBMC is crashing. You need to look at the log file and perhaps that will tell you what is failing.

Your problem is video drivers and hence you need guest additions and properly configured virtualbox

The time it took you to register to ask this question it would have taken less to search and find answer http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=156531

Well, yeah, if I knew what I was searching for... thanks for the help.
You are asking about xbmcbuntu and virtualbox so thats what you search for, no?

xbmcbuntu + virtualbox yields that result in google. I just tried it.

I had no idea this was caused by virtual box, I'd assumed some sort of permissions thing tbh. Thanks again !
Assume nothing, search everything ™

Mark thread solved and enjoy your new toy.


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