Using Analog for HDMI Sound ?
(2013-03-28, 17:14)fritsch Wrote: @Derek:
You posted that now twice in two very different threads. Nobody on earth can help if you don't start posting xbmc.log to a pastebin near you.
I have the same problem as Derek , I have ATV1 Openelec / Frodo connected to an AVR - TV

It appears that I couldn't get Audio from the HDMI Only Video!

The available setting For:
Video Output - Monitor the only choice I have is HDMI-0
Audio Output - HDMI , Analog, Optical/Coax
Audio Output Device - HDA Intel ALC889A Analog
HDA Intel ALC889A Digital S/PDIF
Passthrough Output Device - HDA Intel ALC889A HDMI
HDA Intel ALC889A Digital S/PDIF

None of the HDMI combination works to produce a sound!

The only setting combination to work (well sort of) is:
Video Output - Monitor the only choice I have is HDMI-0
Audio Output - Analog
Audio Output Device - HDA Intel ALC889A Analog

Passthrough Output Device - NA

the ATV HDMI connected to the AVR HDMI
the Audio output Analog (connected from the Analog Audio of the ATV1 to the AVR)
(With the corresponding settings on the AVR )

Here are xbmc.log "to a pastebin near you": guisettings.xml - Xbmc.log

Thanks for the help.


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Using Analog for HDMI Sound ?0