Frodo Crashing - Tried everything
Like many folks, after upgrading to Frodo, I've been experiencing random crashes. It got so bad that I finally restored the AppleTV and rejailbroke with Seas0npass. I installed NitoTV and installed XBMC from there.

I was able to add my library and even watch a little bit. But now, it crashes even just trying to display my library.

I also notice that the scrolling feed across the bottom sometimes "stutters" and doesn't flow smoothly.

Any thoughts? I tried downgrading back to Eden using instructions here.

Trying that just gave me more crashes and that's why I had to restore.

Here's the info. Let me know if I need to add anything else.

Platform: Apple TV 2 (Darwin iOS (13.0.0, Version 6.1 (Build 10B144b))), wired connection, sharing from Windows 7 via SMB
XBMC version (12.1 Git:20130317-0d373cc), Built on Mar 17 2013 - installed via Nito-TV
running default confluence skin

xbmc log:

How long after a crash back to the main ATV2 menu does it take for a crash log to show up? There are a few crash logs in the crash reporter folder, but not the most recent one. Here's one from when it crashed earlier today.


I had the same issue a few weeks ago after upgrading to Frodo.

After looking at my logs, Memphiz mentioned that I was experiencing a lot of out of memory crashes, so I decided to go through and disable everything I didn't need in order to free up memory. The first thing I did was hide everything but XBMC and Photo Stream from the ATV home screen (under ATV > General > Parental Controls), then I stopped the ATV from forcing the screen resolution to 1024 x 768 - 60Hz (ATV > Settings > Audio & Video > TV Resolution > Auto). After this I loaded XBMC and, lo and behold, I could watch a movie!

After starting several movies with no crashes, I upgraded back to Frodo, and It's been nearly two weeks now with only one or two crashes.

My only issue now is the ATV remote only registers occasional inputs - sometimes I can press ten times without it actually doing anything (even though the light on the ATV blinks) - this is in XBMC and the ATV menu. Heading out to buy a new battery to eliminate that possible cause...

Edit: New batteries fixed the issue. Whodathunkit?

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Frodo Crashing - Tried everything0