Win Sound cannibalization
When I unpause a video after it has been paused for more than a few (usually up to 10 seconds) or resume a video after it has been stopped it cuts out the sound for about a second and the picture advances, what seems like 30/40 frames in about half a second as though it's trying to catch up to the fast-forwarded sound.
I have tried tweaking the SYSTEM- VIDEO- PLAYBACK settings but it hasn't fixed the problem, I tried similarly with the audio settings.
I also tried using an add-on XBMC unpause jumpback, as you can set it to rewind up to 10 seconds. I thought it might be able to compensate for the seemingly fast forwarded bits of the video files, but it seems to just rewind an amount proportionate with the setting i.e. rewinds 1 second when set on 1 second 2 seconds for the 2 seconds setting, 3 seconds for the 3 seconds setting e.t.c.
Capture a debug log of this event and post it to and link to it here. It might give a clue as to what the issue may be.
Also explain your setup (sound via hdmi to TV or AVR, optical, other?)

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