Win How change FONT in the main menu in Aeon Nox?
Hi guys,
Is it possible to change the font in the main navigation menu (see below):


I see a tutorial about the Confluence skin. Nope about Aeon Nox.

Many thanks .
74 seen this post .... maybe this is impossible to do??
I believe it should be very similar, just make sure the TTF (true type file) is installed in the correct location. Edit the font.xml to include that font.

This is on my todo list as well.
Main HTPC/Server, Ubuntu 18.04, Leia 18.0
ASUS Chromebox, Ubuntu 18.04, Leia 18.0, Aeon Nox 5: SiLVO Mod

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How change FONT in the main menu in Aeon Nox?0