PVR commands for skip forward/backward
My remote controls (an IR remote, as well as the Yatse Android remote) work great to skip forward and backward when playing normal movies. However, this does not seem to work while in Live TV mode. I'm running NextPVR, which supports timeshifting. FF and RW work reasonably well, but the 30-second skip functions don't do anything. I'm pretty sure this was the case also when I was running ArgusTV. Is this a limitation of XBMC or the NextPVR plugin? Does anyone know if it's possible to make this work?

Check your remote.xml. You can map the buttons in livetv section to do the same as in fullscreen video.
Thanks. As a test I copied the mappings from FullScreenVideo into FullScreenLiveTV (within remote.xml) and restarted XBMC. Interestingly, it seems to be working now with the Yatse (Android) remote, but not my IR remote. I'll just have to dig a little deeper into the IR remote mappings to see what the story is, but I think you'd led me in the right direction. Thanks!!
Note that many remotes are recognized as keyboards. You may need to edit keyboard.xml as well.

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PVR commands for skip forward/backward0