Resolution issues in xbmc-standalone(xbmcbuntu)
Hi guys, I've been searching for a fix for this for a bit, but haven't been able to come up with a solution that works.

I'm running xbmcbuntu on a laptop that's outputting to a TV via HDMI. When booting directly into XBMC, the displays are mirrored, and I haven't been able to get the resolutions to play nicely. The max resolution of the laptop is 1366x768, and the TV is 1080p.

with disabling the video on the laptop screen, I'm able to select 1080p in XBMC, but the display on the TV ends up blacking out everything over 1366x768, so you can only see the top left portion of the screen.

How can I get lightdm to boot into 1080p on the TV, or recognize the monitors as separate displays?

The workaround I've been using is to boot into xbmcbuntu, and then start xbmc, since I can set the monitors up as separate displays there.
Have you tried booting into xbmcbuntu, set the monitors up, and then have nvidia-settings write an xorg.conf to disk based upon current settings?

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Resolution issues in xbmc-standalone(xbmcbuntu)0