Help Needed with XBMC. VIdeo framerate lag?/slow(picture frames)
Hello, I"m trying to build my own HTPC with a kind of old computer i had laying down. Thought of Xbmc because of the features and didn't have problems before trying it. But they were older versions. Now, I'm trying on my computer currently running debian, Intel Celeron 2.53Ghz and 512MB ram. when I tried playing a DVD. The video shows slow and i can see the frames changing by a vertical lIne. Do not know how to fix this. Current XBMC Version is Eden which is the latest included in Debian. Graphic card is a matrox G400/450. which is also giving me problems. I find it very weird because Running Debian Wheezy on Live I had full 1920x1080 max resulution, and right after installing it came back down to only 1024x768 and couldn't figure it out yet. However, Wonder if I can Either know how to fix the lag problem or if it is possible to install an older version of xbmc on debian. Either one is fine. as long as i can use add-ons and play dvds. If anyone can help me would be great. I'm new to debian and new to use xbmc as a HTPC.

THanks in advance.

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Help Needed with XBMC. VIdeo framerate lag?/slow(picture frames)0