Openelec - shell command from keyboard press?
Hi guys,

I'm after a way to execute a .sh files from a keyboard press.

At the moment i have this working from XBMC's keyboard.xml nicely, by pushing F12 it will kill and restart XBMC... However, if XBMC locks up, then this will not work... Which sucks, because this is precisely why i want it.

i want openelec to process this command and not XBMC.
can it be done?
and how?

* a bit more info*

I know this can be done using LIRC... But i am using a FLIRC and do not have an MCE receiver connected. So i think LIRC is not an option... Unless it recognises Keybaord presses.


thanks in advance.

If you haven't already done so, you may want to hit up the OpenELEC forums as well with your question since they are the experts on this OS.
Yeah already done that, the forums don't seem as active over there.
No their forums are awful.

openelec uses ratpoison as its window manager, I suspect you need to look at the ratpoison documentation.
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Openelec - shell command from keyboard press?0