Cannot Load XBMC ATV2 5.3
I have been working well since finally getting my connection to my DS213J, and ready to set up some addons and play with some remotes. I've been toying with 3 remote apps, and then I installed XBMC hub wizard on my iPad. I tapped "configure Apple TV2", and I expected a screen with addons to choose from. Well, nothing happened, and I didn't bother firing up XBMC that day (Saturday). Yesterday, I tried to load XBMC, and I get the splash screen, then a black screen with the cycle wheel, and back to the ATV main menu screen.

I've poked around a bit on here. Do I need to delete the settings file or directory? And will this wipe out the sources and network settings I set up?

Is there a straightforward way to know what XBMC hub wizard did when I simply tapped configure and revert those changes?

Edit: sorry, I'm running 5.3.
A little more info...I installed via ssh commands. I see some mention about Nito TV, but I'm not familiar with that and I didn't install with that method.
Try nuking the settings:

Unfortunately, the "hub wizard" tends to break installs with no easy way to revert the changes.
Yeah, I wish I had looked here for that advice before installing it. Thanks for your help, I'll give that a shot.
Since I didn't have any add-ons installed and would only have to recreate my two sources, I wasn't really married to the installation and I these another routes -- I tried to update XBMC (I got the "Reading package lists... Error!"), then remove settings (no output from command), then simply uninstall XBMC (again, "Reading package lists... Error!").

I deleted the contents of - /private/var/mobile/Library/Caches/AppleTV/Video/LocalAndRental - Apparently this is supposed to have a cap of 200MB, but there were a couple 1GB+ files in there.

I'm not sure if clearing that cache would have allowed settings to be removed, but I ran the update anyways since 12.3 is now out and XBMC then loaded fine. I recreated my sources, and I'm back in business.

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Cannot Load XBMC ATV2 5.30