Win AMD jerky video playback.
HI, I am having a small problem where my video files are playing back with a slight jerkiness to them. It is like it jerks then tries to catch up on itself is the best way I can describe it. I don't think it is an xbmc issue as everything was working fine until recently and no settings have been altered which leads me to think it could be a driver or hardware issue. This happens on all video files and ISO's.
I am running an HP microserver htpc with an AMD HD6450 PCI-E graphics card. I have tried updating to the latest drivers but that didn't seem to work.
Any advice appreciated, thanks.
debug log (wiki)
how do you got it connected ?
which version of driver are you using ?
which OS ?
does the refresh rate match the video you're playing ?
LibreElec Kodi | Aeon MQ ?
Which Microserver? N40L or N54L?
I've got an N54L and an nvidia GT430 and it's ... mostly ok in 1080p but god damn the lack of vsync kills me.
It also does slow from time to time, if I reboot it goes away :/
The server is connected via onkyo 606 to the panasonic plasma tv with 1.4 hdmi
The server is a nl40 with 8gb ram

I have had this setup for a year and as worked flawlessly and I have the nl54 with graphics card upstairs and this plays fine when streaming from nl40

The amd catalyst version is : 13.12
2d driver

It runs on windows 8 pro

Here is my debug logfile
I have rolled back the drivers of the AMD Catalyst to 13.4 and this resolved the slight jerkiness, however the lip sync is now out by different time scales depends what i.m watching

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